Saturday, November 12, 2016

My Discontent

I have kept myself pretty insulated since the election. I couldn’t watch Hillary’s concession speech, I could barely read the transcript from Obama’s post-election speech, and of course I avoided anything about that man. I was able to get on Twitter for an hour or so the other day and retweet the Onion or Ricky Gervais or anything that approximated what I was maybe feeling except that I refused to actually feel. Yesterday night, I finally broke down and cried. I watched Sam Bee’s pre and post-election specials and I cried. I feel sad, and anxious, and shocked. However, after also watching Keith Olbermann’s latest bit on GQ and after seeing the media, who I hold almost entirely responsible for providing this man with anything approaching legitimacy, trying to now normalize this event, wrap it with a bow, and still make a case for the decency of the American people, the feeling I most felt was anger. Good. Anger. I can work with that and make it productive.

There are so many facets to the results of this election, that I feel like the best way now to organize my head, vent, and to figure out what to do next was to mind-dump everything here. I haven’t decided if I am going to publish this on my blog. My first inclination was to keep this personal to keep it more honest, but now I am leaning towards publishing it because I no longer feel the need to censor myself, and I no longer care what anyone thinks about what I have to say. If I am feeling this way, it is valid.

Electoral College – I’m talking about this first because it is the easiest. The people did not elect that man, the system elected that man. Yes, it’s a technicality. Yes, it’s a minor point out of the others I am going to make, but now that Paul punch-face Ryan is calling this election a Republican MANDATE, it is still a point to make. We need to get rid of the electoral college because in this case as in the case of Al Gore in 2000, it does not reflect the will of the people, which means that technically this was not a democratic election. The electoral college is antiquated and it doesn’t work, and Paul Ryan can take that mandate and stick it up his ass. There is work being done here. For those of you that care, check this out – this is a BI-PARTISAN effort.

The Other – I am embarrassed to be a white person in America right now. The fact that I am also a woman doesn’t matter because white women also turned out a majority vote for that man. I completely reject the fact that this is a problem of the liberal-elite urban class failing to recognize the struggles of the white working-class rural and ex-urban Americans. In fact, I think rural America fails to see the struggles of our diverse cities and fails to understand what being of color in this country truly means. Being white has bestowed upon them the greatest privilege that can be bestowed upon a person in this country. They did NOTHING to earn this privilege. Rural and ex-urban America has insulated itself from reality, whipped themselves into a frenzy of Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, and Breitbart hate, and now wants to point to black and brown people as being somehow responsible for their plight. This fear of the Other is not based in reality. There is no Other. There is only humanity. Regardless of color, we are all people with mothers and fathers, with capacity for love and kindness. We are all trying to achieve the same dream. The system rural, white America constantly votes for, and the billionaire they just elected isn’t going to do anything to help them or anyone else achieve this. He doesn’t give a shit about them. He’s a sociopath and a con, and he used their deepest and unfounded anxieties to elevate himself to the highest office in our nation. He is now the face of America, and the world is looking on us in pity. I hope someday white America realizes that all humans want the same things – we all want safety, security, and happiness – but we all need to come together to achieve those things, not point fingers at each other. I truly hope that we are better than this, but today I am not only embarrassed to be white, I am embarrassed to be an American.

Hate and the Media – This is the central theme of this election cycle. With the exception of NPR, I no longer have faith in the media in this country. When you put a profit motive on anything, you create impure incentives. When a 24-hour news cycle needs viewers and advertising dollars to justify itself, it will report on whatever sensationalist BS will get people to watch. It will subvert truth if truth doesn’t directly contribute to the bottom line. Sensationalism sells, and what is more sensationalist than hate? This hate environment has been created by the media sources I mention above; Fox News, Breitbart, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck (I don’t care how reformed he claims to be). They’ve spun lies and deceit to make Mexicans, Muslims, Barack Obama, whatever, ENEMIES. That man we elected, he just took advantage of this. As much as I blame those who created this environment, I also blame those who allowed it to exist in order to remain impartial. I blame CNN; I even blame MSNBC. The point of journalism is not to be impartial. The point of journalism is to deliver TRUTH to the PEOPLE. The media, all of them, allowed that train-wreck a stage, a voice, and didn’t do nearly enough to dispel his continuous stream of lies. Why? Because no one can take their eyes off a train-wreck, and if people are watching, then the media and all of their pundits make money. For the time being, I am only listening to NPR and comedy shows, which have somehow been BETTER at the news and truthiness (Guess what? Laughter also sells, and it’s a way better emotion).

I just read this article in Rolling Stone about hate in the media, and there was one thing I could take away from it. 1 – This hate breeds extreme anxiety and it is way more prevalent among conservatives, and 2 – It doesn’t matter who is in office because hate will continue to sell, it’s just going to find a new target. So, conservatives, your news outlet is just going to try and convince you to keep hating, they will try to keep you anxious, and therefore they will keep profiting off your misery. All you have to do is turn it off. The truth is out there in much easier to swallow formats. Please reject hate and reject hate-filled media. Make a friend who is Pakistani or Native American or Mexican. I am happy, and I feel like I am a better person in life because I am surrounded by such a strong, smart, and DIVERSE group of people. I think you can be too.

Religion and Hypocrites – That man also, by virtue of getting the white vote, also got the evangelical, Christian, and Catholic vote. I don’t understand the hypocrisy. I was raised Catholic. My grandfather was one of the kindest and most generous people I have ever known. One year, he told me he was voting Democrat in that year’s election. Now, for those of you who don’t know, this is mostly frowned upon because of, you know, ABORTION (true, but insert huge eye-roll here). He said he was doing so because he thought that Republicans weren’t doing enough to help the poor. Huh what a concept; that maybe one of his religion’s most central concepts – compassion – should be more important than abortion. I’m not saying abortion is not an issue or that people shouldn’t care about it. I’m just saying that when a person votes on a single issue, then they are simultaneously saying that all of the other issues don’t matter. In this case, sanctity of marriage, peace, love, tolerance, and brotherhood are all less important on that punch-ticket to heaven. Who is this Jesus character these Christians are talking about? Because, I’m pretty sure in my 12 years of Catholic schooling and in the model set by my grandfather that compassion was his number one thing. That man and his two Corinthians is an abomination against everything their (remind you, middle-eastern, Jewish) savior taught about love.

Voter Suppression – If the only way Republicans can win is via an electoral college, redistricting, and voter suppression, then they don’t deserve to win, and they don’t deserve to represent America. This is the first election without the full protection of the Voting Rights Act, the first election after 14 states passed restrictive measures to prevent people of color, young people, poor people (i.e. people that tend to vote Democrat) from voting. Guess how many of those states swung blood red in 2016? Yeah. All of them. I don’t care about the exact effect these measures had on the outcome of the election. It doesn’t matter. What matters is the intent, and the intent is to suppress the freedoms inherent in a supposed democratic society. These white lawmakers, again as if being born white isn’t enough of a privilege, are trying to make sure that black people still only count as if they were worth 3/5 a white person. STILL. In 2016. Also, if I hear one more thing about voter fraud, I will implode. It doesn’t exist. Again, it’s another fear whipped up by the rabid, right-wing conspiracy engine to justify white people being racist.

The real discussion needs to be around redistricting and how legislators with their crayons can create these insane maps that may look like some drunken clown’s version of Jackson Pollock. Really, these maps, with surgical precision, piece together individual voters into districts in order to dilute their voice among a larger majority. Historically, this has been done to dilute the voice of racial minorities, but really, with the large amounts of census data available, segregation can be accomplished on any metric – color, age, economic status. Both sides of the political aisle are guilty of this, but as technologies have advanced and more granular data have become available, the effects of redistricting have become most egregious recently with Republicans in charge. This needs to stop at all levels of government. I feel it is a very dangerous practice that will put into place a false and permanent majority in this country. Then no one’s voice will be heard.

Economics and Other Policy Choices – This election was never based on policy. 1 – Because that man is an idiot, and obviously has no idea how the government (the military, foreign policy, the economy, the Federal Reserve, taxes, immigration, a woman’s reproductive organs, and on and on) works, so he 2 – Took policy or any intelligent discussion out of the election in a sort of used-car-salesman, winking, smarmy manner, telling us to trust him before going back to hurling insults and spewing incoherent babble about how big league everything will be once he takes office. What does that even MEAN? Anyone who says they voted for that man based on economic discontent or policy, needs to understand that policy requires a little more thought than building a wall. At least it should go into how that wall will be built and paid for, really. Like, other than by Mexico. And there needs to be complete sentences. And he can’t use the word huge. He doesn’t HAVE ANY POLICIES. Therefore, I question anyone who says to have voted for him based on policy. A little inner reflection is necessary, because you could be as bigoted as he is, and you really voted for him because “Jews control the media!” or “Mexicans took my job!” or “Women belong in the kitchen!” or some other simplistic complaint that at the base of it just shows how ignorant your decision was and how dangerous for this country.

Women and Hillary Clinton – This is where I get the most upset. Let’s talk about Hillary first. Was she an ideal candidate? UGGGHHH. Don’t act like this matters. It doesn’t matter because she is a SHE. She was never going to be ideal (forget ideal, she wasn’t even going to be qualified enough) for white men (and apparently self-hating white women) because women are constantly being held to impossible standards. Hillary Clinton is THE MOST experienced candidate in the history of American elections. She is smart, she is hard-working, and she has the political chops to get stuff done. Does she have baggage? Yes. But it’s baggage that America has heaped upon her at every turn of her life in the public eye. She is the most scrutinized political figure ever to have run for president. First, because she’s been on the national stage for so long, but second, because she is a powerful, female figure and that scares the shit out of less-enlightened men. The establishment has heaped scandal on top of controversy on top of criticism on top of dog shit on this woman for her entire career. Whitewater, keeping her maiden name, hyphenating Rodham-Clinton, having brown hair, having long hair, being too involved in policy in her role as first lady (not being wifey enough), sticking by her husband after Lewinsky (being too wifey), the Clinton Foundation, Benghazi, not smiling enough, raising her voice, the FUCKING EMAILS. Basically, my take on it is if someone has been under the microscope for this fucking long, and the Republicans can STILL find nothing, it’s probably because, surprise, NOTHING IS THERE. They sure gave us a narrative, though, didn’t they? I’m not fooled. This was never about Hillary. This was about her being a smart, powerful woman, which apparently even in the 21st century is still a threat to American masculinity.

Who better to paint the black to the white than our current president elect? That slimy, disgusting, abuser of women – with his beauty pageants, and his mail-order brides, and three wives, and incestuous obsession with his daughter. This isn’t something I learned on election day, but this is something that will be one continuous slap in the face the next four years (even after that man is impeached, because let’s face it, his vice president is no better). That is this – men don’t think women matter, and more a slap in the face, Republican women don’t think women matter… And, even if I knew this before on some level, this election has told us that it is OK to feel that way. I’m so sick of this narrative. First, we shouldn’t try to achieve because we can’t, then we shouldn’t try to achieve because we shouldn’t (it’s not our place), then we shouldn’t try to achieve because our performance will be less, then when our performance is as good or better, we don’t get promoted or paid at the same rates. We are the weaker sex, we have delicate sensibilities, we are too emotional, we are defined by our bodies, all of it bullshit. The strongest people I know in life have been women, and that’s probably because we have to be stronger. We have to go to school, work, have babies, take care of our families, take care of our homes, and do it all with zero complaints and a pretty smile because God forbid we don’t know our place, like Hillary didn’t know hers. Half of this white country voted for him. That means that because I’m white, half of my family and then half of my white friends also voted for him. What does that mean about what they truly think of me? The white people I love – Do they think I’m less of a person? Do they not acknowledge my accomplishments? Are they dismissive of my brain? Do they think I’m less deserving of respect? Is my sister less deserving? Is my mom less deserving? From Hillary’s concession speech – “To all the little girls who are watching this: never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance in the world to pursue your dreams.” I cry because this needs to be said at all, but I also cry because it doesn’t matter if I or the little girls believe it, it only matters if men believe it.

The Non-Voters – To those of you who declined to vote for President and especially to those of you who declined to vote at all, I am most angry at you. You have a duty as a citizen to educate yourself and to vote. America needed you, and you failed. Turnout this cycle was the lowest it’s been since the 1980s. If you’re going to come out and vote any time, it should be when there’s a sociopathic, fascist ape running. Don’t think you’re better for not having voted for that man when you also didn’t vote for Hillary. The fact that you think this was an exercise in intellectual futility because both sides were so equally weighted with experience, and brains, and fucking sanity that you just couldn’t choose means, to me, that you might as well have chosen him. Also, Gary Johnson is a fucking moron.

I’m going to spend the next few weeks figuring out what to do next. We know Hillary won the popular vote. We know that people are pissed. Now is the time to organize. I’m going to start by writing letters to every Democratic female in the Senate and in the House. Then, I am going to donate to Planned Parenthood. THEN, I am going to figure out how I can help bring us together because the oppressed in this country outnumber Republican white men. We are women, we are LGBT, we are Black Lives Matter, we are people of all colors, we are every spectrum of native and immigrant, and while we still have a voice, we can win. I will never forget how angry and sad I am. I will never get over this, and I will fight for what I think is the best thing about America – diversity, inclusion, and EQUAL OPTIONS in the pursuit of happiness.

In the meantime, I hope our elected Democrat representatives truly do represent us by doing everything in their power to shut this shit down. Obama was elected (with the popular vote) TWICE. Republicans worked in the darkest, most subversive corners of our broken system to thwart progress for EIGHT YEARS. They created the do-nothing Congress. Now, let’s make them try and do something. Let’s try to make them fight and scratch and claw for every concession, even it’s minor, and even if it is something we agree with. The system is broken, and isn’t going to be fixed until the pain is felt by both sides. Good luck with your wall, you fucking asshole.

Keep the anger, but always remember there are things to be happy about. Hell yeah, Tammy Duckworth!