I’m usurping my friends’
term for the current administration, “Dumpster Fire” because it is too perfect,
and I am too lazy to come up with another term. We are going on a month of this
presidency, and instead of feeling enraged and terrified, I am now feeling
enraged but cautiously optimistic that our orange president, surrounded by
extreme incompetence and infighting, whose inflated view of himself is contrasted
with his utter lack of knowledge, will be unable to do anything of any real
harm to this country. Not that I am going to stop fighting, I am just going to
view the Cheeto more as an idiot and less of an actual threat to our country.
He’s nothing more than a distraction.
That being said, I wanted to
write a blog about the small things in life. I think it will be extremely
important to find and notice these things on a daily basis as I expect my
anxiety will need to be kept in check through the following, but almost certain
events: another few months or so of spitting tantrums and tweets from 45 before
the dark state gets sick of playing with him and just leaks whatever
intelligence needed to get him out of the way; followed by a few years of a
vapid ideologue who thinks Christianity is more about putting cages around
women’s lady parts and policing what happens beneath our sheets than it is
about, I don’t know, anything Christ actually talked about; this period being
accompanied by (hopefully) rural white America WAKING THE EFF UP and realizing
that Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell DON’T GIVE AN EFF about them as they strip
away all their healthcare and benefits to provide tax cuts to the superrich and
allow them to rape our planet; at the same time (again, hopefully) Democrats
will stop bumbling around, knocking each other over, and realize that they are
the true party of the people, and they need to leave Wall Street to the
Republicans; a whole campaign season in which we, again, get to hear a bunch of
sexist assholes dance around the fact that really they just don’t want a vagina
in the Oval Office; until Elizabeth Warren is elected president. PHEW! That’s a
lot of anxiety. Here’s my list of little things.
1. Furious Spoon, Furious Ramen – This stuff is so good,
that it made my whole WEEK great this week just knowing I was going to have it
on Thursday. It’s my new go-to comfort food.
2. Macaroni and cheese – My old go-to comfort food. If
you’re going store bought, Kraft is a MUST. Cough up the 30 extra pennies,
cheapo. There is no substitute. Any homemade kind is also good because it will
have more love. I have many recipes. Cheese is the best.
3. NPR – Thank you, NPR. You allow me to stay
hyper-informed without actually having to look at a rabid Cheeto, waving his
tiny little hands around. WBEZ, you deserve every penny I send.
4. Podcasts – I’ve subscribed to so many that I’m having
a hard time keeping up (many courtesy of NPR, so double shout-out to them). Thank
you for expanding my mind.
5. The little things my boyfriend does. Stress LITTLE.
Like buying me chicken soup when I was sick. The little things are important.
6. Lampe Berger – My current scent is Winterwood. I live
in a barn. Two of my animals poop in my house, the other two can’t wash themselves.
Lampe Berger means that my barn doesn’t have to smell like one.
7. Books – I will NEVER give in to iBooks. I LOVE being
around books. I love libraries. I love Barnes & Noble. Starting a new book
is just the best. The BEST.
8. Burt’s Bees Chapstick – I have tubes sprinkled around
my house and in my purse.
9. Sophie – My dog is the very best thing in the world.
See previous post. My latest favorite things about Soph – 1)Her bottom lip
sticks out a little; 2)I like to fluff up her head so her fur is in disarray;
3)I grade her back-leg kicks after she poops. This morning – she half-assed it
into a stretch, 5/10.
10. Speaking of dogs, We Rate Dogs on Twitter is my new
favorite. It’s like one enraging Tweet after another – Cheeto does this, Cheeto
does that, Cheeto chastises the press, Cheeto’s Winter White House – THEN, I
see something like this:
you for keeping me sane.
11. Naps – We should be allowed nap breaks at work. Naps
are the best. I’m about ready to take one after this.
12. Game of Thrones – Peter Dinklage, you are my
13. Pentel RSVP Pens in Fine & Sharpies – I don’t
know why, they just make me happy. I will accept no substitutes.
14. KnitPicks.com – Haven’t you heard, kids? Knitting and
crocheting are cool. Whatever, I’m old and lame. I love this website, though.
Great products, great ideas.
15. All of the amazing women in my life – Mom, Beav, Renee,
Della, Angie, Jan, Grams, Laurie, Teresa, Tam, Charity, Dani, Kristen, Juveria,
Jessica, Mona, Sandra, Kristin, Alex, Katharine, Makaylah, Jennifer, Jenny,
Sarah, Lindsey, Rachel, Barb, Jessica, Holly, Ashlea, Ashley, Audrey, Varsha, Liz, Maggie, Mary, Pam, Emily – I’m rattling these off,
no particular order – You guys are all awesome.
16. Chicago – I love this city, and I’m so glad to be
home. Yes, still. Even in February.
17. Laughter – So important. Thank you, Bill Maher, John
Oliver, Samantha Bee, Alec Baldwin, Melissa McCarthy (recently), the whole cast
of SNL (special shout out to Kate McKinnon and her terrifying portrayal of
Kellyanne Conway), Conan O’Brien, Andy Richter, so many others. You are true
artists. Keep giving it to him.
18. Trevor Noah – This is a new one, special call out
from 17. It’s taken me quite a while to get over Jon Stewart leaving, but I
have really come around. Trevor Noah gives such a fresh-faced view on things.
He’s like a kid brother. I want to hug him.
19. SmartPop White Cheddar Popcorn – Best. Snack. Ever.
20. Did I mention naps? Yes, and now it is time for one.