Thursday, December 16, 2010


I'm having one of those days when I am about ready to pack it in and go to bed.

I was working on this presentation for work and therefore grappling with PowerPoint all day, my MOST hated of Office programs. I think that Microsoft designed Office with the expectation that everyone using it was brain dead and it therefore had to be on hyper, rabid watchdog mode trying to correct all of the user's incorrect logic. Didn't people go on killing sprees over that stupid paperclip in previous versions? Just taking away the mascot for that Office-Knows-Best BS is not going to prevent people from having aneurysms. It doesn't help that I am OCD and I need to have my bullets line up or that I hate Times New Roman.

Anyway, with a day full of PowerPoint, I didn't notice that I was drinking WAY too much coffee. I am hyper-sensitive to caffeine. I think I get caffeine-rage. My stomach was rolling around all day in that nervous fashion that somehow also makes me feel paranoid. I was working myself up into this sort of annoyed frenzy watching the Food Network. I wanted to put my fist through something when I saw Giada make the same thing on two different shows. It doesn't help that, again, I am OCD and this somehow violates my order of things (who needs TWO separate shows for a shrimp cocktail recipe???) or that I hate Giada.

I get home, and my dog has apparently spent the entire day EATING the rug I have in my sun room. Not chewing, not tearing. EATING. Don't even get me started here. This dog must have a stomach of steel and a brain of some supposedly dumber animal. I have given up long ago trying to root around in her mouth for soggy, half-chewed crap. I figure one of these days, she will learn on her own when something tastes disgusting and makes her gag. Hasn't happened yet. She has been ringing the bell to go outside for potty like every ten minutes. The rug must have had a lot of fiber.

Then, I started reading my issue of Time magazine, which has a picture of Sarah Palin on the cover. I am already in a caffeine-rage, and somehow I think I can make it through an article on Sarah Palin? One quote from her and my head could spontaneously combust from how stupid she is.

Even Angry Birds couldn't calm me down, even though I might somehow better sympathize with their anger.

I have food on my shirt (not unusual), a headache, and the prospect of having to do actual Christmas shopping this weekend makes me depressed. I don't even have anything to drink as a downer-fix for my caffeine spree today. I DO have sleeping pills, however. Here's to tomorrow being better.

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