Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Goose Island Sofie & Trivia Night

Even though I've moved a state over, I am going to make an effort to get to the Flying Saucer at least once a week. They just put Goose Island Sofie on tap. In recognition in what I believe (with some bias) is the best mass-market brew company in the U.S., interested parties, you should make an effort to get a hold of this beer. Brew master's note is as follows: "Fermented with wild yeasts and aged in wine barrels with orange peel, Sofie is a tart, dry, sparkling ale. A subtle, spicy white pepper note, a hint of citrus from the orange peel and a creamy vanilla finish make Sofie an intriguing choice for Champagne drinkers and beer drinkers who are fond of Belgian Saisons." WHAT? OK. My palate is not sophisticated. All you had to say was Belgian and citrus, and I get it. Delicious.

On a sadder note, my love of citrusy beverage deliciousness did not help our trivia team tonight, named "Ban Comic Sans (Except in Cleveland)." I love trivia night. Our team usually does really well among the 20 or so teams there. When we do lose, we lose on the last question, which today involved Lyndon Johnson's love for Fresca. No go. I thought Fresca was invented in the 1990s. This was a harsh reality check as to my worldview. Just because I hadn't heard of or noticed Fresca until my freshman year of college apparently did not mean that it did not exist before then. One helpful trivia cohort suggested that this might be because that my freshman year of college was the time I should have discovered Fresca as I was experimenting on what would be best mixed with vodka. Fair.

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